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Baptism Date Birth Date
Surname Christian Names Father Mother Abode Profession Notes No.

18 April 1832 Bunn? Anne William Susanna Shapwick Bailiff 252

22 April 1832 Haggett Harriet ? Frances? Shapwick C~~~~~ 253

23 April 1832 Millard Charles James Sarah Ashcott Labourer 'Privately' 254

27 May 1832 Hucker Charles Henry Maria Shapwick Labourer 255

29 May 1832 Williams Ellen James Elizabeth ~~~ Ashcott Servant 256

31 May 1832 Rowley Henry John Charlotte Shapwick Labourer 257

31 May 1832 Isaacs Elizabeth William ? Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 258

17 June 1832 Carsons Susan Ann William Martha Ashcott Labourer 259

17 June 1832 Pocock Joseph? Thomas Ann Ashcott Labourer 260

01 July 1832 Coleman James Samuel Mary Ashcott Labourer 261

08 July 1832 Yard Susan Tilley? Eli Elizabeth Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 262

22 July 1832 Bartlett Mark? John Elizabeth Shapwick Labourer 263

22 July 1832 Pope Frederic James Anne Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 264

29 July 1832 Cox Edwin? William Cecilia Ashcott Labourer 265

10 August 1832 Sawles? Sarah Jane George Jane Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 266

13 August 1832 Brake Andrew James Dodge David Hannah Shapwick Farmer 'Privately' 267

26 August 1832 Cooling? Elizabeth Thomas Ann Ashcott Labourer 268

07 October 1832 How? John George Emma Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 269

14 October 1832 Sydenham Sarah Jane George Hannah Shapwick Labourer 270

15 October 1832 Williams Frederic George Sarah Shapwick Labourer 271

25 November 1832 Millet Thomas Vearing? William Caroline Shapwick Labourer 272

28 November 1832 Vearing Caroline - Rhoda Shapwick Servant of 273


16 December 1832 Strangeways Henry Bull Timplen Henry Bull Sophia Jane Shapwick Esquire 274

01 January 1833 Haines Robert Billings Robert Mitchell Ann Allen Shapwick Shopkeeper 275

05 April 1833 Bobbett Mary Anne John Joanna Shapwick Cordwainer 276

21 April 1833 Godwin Thomas Thomas Maria Shapwick Labourer 277

09 June 1833 Rowley James George Jane Shapwick Mason 278

24 June 1833 Martin Susan Robert Marianne Shapwick Carpenter 'Privately' 279

08 July 1833 Durston Emily Anne William Charlotte Shapwick Tailor 280

26 August 1833 Warry Isabella Catherine George Isabella Shapwick Esquire 281

01 September 1833 Bunn? George William William Susanna Shapwick Bailiff 'Privately' 282

15 September 1833 Axon John William Mary Shapwick Labourer 'Privately' 283

22 December 1833 Hucker Jane Henry Maria Shapwick Labourer 284

29 December 1833 Frankes Sarah Robert Mary Shapwick Labourer 285

26 January 1834 Pope Sarah Anne James Anne Shapwick Labourer 286

06 April 1834 Pole Anne Richard Mary Anne Shapwick Butcher 287

08 April 1834 Taylor Louisa John Anne Shapwick Labourer 288

11 May 1834 Rowley Hugh - Mary Shapwick Spinster 289

22 May 1834 Adams Eliza John Martha Shapwick Labourer 290

22 May 1834 How Emily George Emma Shapwick Labourer 291

15 June 1834 How Sarah Samuel Maria Shapwick Labourer 292

26 June 1834 Strangeways Cordelia Elisabeth Henry Bull Sophia Jane Shapwick Esquire 293

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